What is an OPG 

OPG (Orthopantomogram) and Lat Ceph (Lateral Cephalometric Radiograph) are special x-rays of the lower face, teeth, and jaws.

An OPG is a panoramic or wide view x-ray of the lower face, which displays all the teeth of the upper and lower jaw on a single film. It demonstrates the number, position, and growth of all the teeth including those that have not yet surfaced or erupted. It is different from the small close-up x-rays dentists take of individual teeth. An OPG may also reveal problems with the jawbone and the joint which connects the jawbone to the head called the Temporomandibular joint or TMJ. An OPG may be requested for the planning of orthodontic treatment, for assessment of wisdom teeth, or for a general overview of the teeth and the bone which supports the teeth.


What happens during a dental x-ray?

OPG – You may be asked to remove jewelry, eyeglasses, and any metal objects that may obscure the images. You will be asked to stand with your face resting on a small shelf and to bite gently on a sterile mouthpiece to steady your head. It is important to stay very still while the x-ray is taken. You will not feel any discomfort during the procedure.